Since 1978 I have been fortunate to sail wooden boats. In 2006 I set out to find a Drascombe Longboat Cruiser for single-handed expedition sailing. This is the continuing story of how it came to be, our adventures, notes on the maritime world and other things I don't want to forget...

Monday, January 6, 2014

Shore Side and Return to the Scull

2013 is over and I for one am glad. Many things happened both good and bad. And although sailing the Chesapeake was great I believe 2014 will be even better.

On New Years Day we started moving into our new (old) house in Richmond. Since leaving St. Augustine in the spring of 2012 we have lived in a tent and a series of apartments. This self-chosen 'vagabond' lifestyle was quite an education. We came to realize that we need another "base camp" to venture out from. Think we found a nice one.

The Old Home Place

Annie is buttoned up tight and weathering the winter at Gwynn's Island. When it warms a bit (mighty cold this coming week) I plan to go over, camp at the marina and return to maintenance jobs that have been on hold. While there I'll be checking in with my gallery in Mathews and the good folks at Deltaville Maritime Museum where I'm consulting on their new exhibits. 

The end of the year blog check revealed that the post on Annie's sculling oar is still the most viewed. I hope others have tried the design or modified it for the better. I still would like to hollow out the blade's underside to roll down in the water and hopefully get more thrust. We'll see...

Photo by Steve Earley

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