Day 7
As the day lightened and breakfast ended, I weighed anchor and motored south around the shoal waters. Once in the Bay proper we moved north skirting Tangier Island until reaching the western entrance to the harbor. This northing insured that the westward course across to Smith Point would leave the large prohibited area to port. Under full sail and a freshening southwest wind, good time was made. It was perfect.
Smith Point Light, Chesapeake Bay |
Steady 15 knot wind on the beam under full sail with 1 foot waves. In an hour
Annie was moving into the shipping lane that funnels by Smith Point. The tide had reached full flow and as I heard the centerplate vibrate I looked down at the GPS and saw we were making 7.7 knots over the bottom!
The wind kept freshening and as I approached the protective jetties I dropped sails, started motoring and crabbed sideways under wind and tide. Once behind the rocks it was over. I moved slowly through the creek toward the marina and my road rig.
The rest of the day was spent sorting gear, loading, traveling back to Gwynns, a wash down and back to Richmond. Great trip I have to say.