Since 1978 I have been fortunate to sail wooden boats. In 2006 I set out to find a Drascombe Longboat Cruiser for single-handed expedition sailing. This is the continuing story of how it came to be, our adventures, notes on the maritime world and other things I don't want to forget...

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Snow is melting fast today. It's in the 50s (F) and probably won't last long. It dumped around 6" of powder this past week and over in the Urbanna area, where Annie lives, there was a bit less. Vera and John sent me this pic and said that the tarp "was doing its job". Thank you both for your help.... there is nothing quite like good friends.


  1. I keep forgetting there are parts of the world that have cold snowy winters LOL - Here where I live in NZ we can sail all year round - I like this - but also it would be good to have more marked differences between the seasons and a white Christmas would be really nice!

  2. The seasons are nice, there are the rewards of change. But, as we lived on an island in Florida for 20 years... I often miss winter sails.

  3. Ah yes, winter sails - It really is nice to sail my little 30 footer down to a bay close by during winter time and spend some time by myself. Just reading or just sitting and reflecting in the boats snug little cabin, while she nods away at her anchor chain is enough bliss to going on with most of the time. Sailing back, a good bite to a stiff breeze makes things bracing and exciting.
