Since 1978 I have been fortunate to sail wooden boats. In 2006 I set out to find a Drascombe Longboat Cruiser for single-handed expedition sailing. This is the continuing story of how it came to be, our adventures, notes on the maritime world and other things I don't want to forget...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What Do You Do When You're Not Sailing?

A thousand answers. Most likely working or staring out the window at the snow falling. Maybe absorbed in building your next boat, fulfilling another's plan for you or asleep dreaming about wind and waves. Or just sitting around the docks with dry pants telling a previously told sailing story. Well, for the most part, any of those could be me at times.

Lately I have continued to ready the house for putting on the market and whacking my finger with an xacto  knife while multitasking... not quite my forte lately. Eleanor and I, with a lot of help from Terry and others, have made good progress. Both bathrooms have been gutted and remodeled and there is a new floor in the sunroom and lots of fresh paint. We have tickets to Spain, a new tent and plan to leave the end of April after taking Annie and a pile of unstored belongings to my Dad's in NC. Although there is much to do we are forging ahead.

construction zone

If you are reading this (posting once in 6 weeks = blog in coma) and get the chance... check out Annie on the cover of the latest issue of Small Craft Advisor. A nice article by my friend Bill Jacobs. At a Barnes & Noble near you!