I ran Annie's outboard in a big bucket yesterday. That is the most attention she has got since December. We have been busy organizing and cleaning our house pending our next life move. That means a lot of small decisions, pitching unneeded 'stuff ', a big yard sale, and trips to storage. And as soon as it seems like it should be over, we start again. More of the same. I am amazed (and don't take that as a cliche) that we have collected so much over the years. For the most part it is going away... going to friends, strangers, good causes and the dump.
I look forward to seeing the world through new eyes and in some ways that is starting to happen. Annie is a simple being. Every piece of line has a purpose... whether to directly position a sail, hold you fast or wait in a designated place to be ready when needed. That unencumbered, clear, and simple design is our personal goal as well. Onward.
Eleanor sorts through her studio |
From drawer to storage bin |